Tuesday 10 November 2009

Newsletter – 9th November 2009



Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 9th November

Blog http://jacktaylorschool.blogspot.com/


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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class. 


Purple Class: Lucas Sabatino for settling in to purple class without his Mum.

Yellow Class: Umar Rahman for using symbols independently to use the computer

Blue Class: Shirwa Osman for good work in PE

Red Class:  Joy Khan for exploring objects with her hands.

Secondary 1: Samira Gamra for swimming doggy paddle on her front.

Secondary 2: Shahidul Haque for getting and returning the register independently

Secondary 3: Sean Martin  for ordering at the café.

Post 16: Palwasha Akbari for work with numeracy


New Roundabout.

Over the half term, a new roundabout was installed in our playground. It is specially adapted so that wheelchairs users can use it too. This is a great addition to our garden and trampoline. We would like to give a big thank you to the Charities that so generously supported our Garden Project.







We have finally received the final report from the inspection the Autism Resource Base went through in July. We have received many commendations for good practice and have been accredited officially by the National Autistic Society for exemplar practice in Autism. We will be working hard to continue our high standards and improve our provision further over the next academic year. We would like to thank parents and carers who completed the questionnaires for the review process and to all those that have supported the classes over the last year.

SEAL :        THE THEME FOR THIS WEEK IS: ‘What makes me sad?’




Could parents and carers please try to cut your child’s finger nails as we have had some cases of staff and pupils being scratched due to long fingernails. Thank You.



Jack Petchy Awards Event.


The Jack Petchy Awards Event will be held TONIGHT-  Tuesday 10th November at the Camden Centre at 7.00pm






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If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.





            clip_image013 PLAY                    clip_image015SING



If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


Parent Governor.

We are still trying to recruit a Parent / carer to the Governing Body. If you are interested please contact the school. Funds are available to support childcare.

Next meeting is 16th November.

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