Monday 23 November 2009

Newsletter 23rd November 2009



Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 23rd November



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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class. 


Purple Class: Reon Ali for excellent behaviour especially during circle time.

Yellow Class: Lascelle Farell for enjoying his swimming session.

Blue Class: Ruweyda Mohammed for good work.

Red Class:  Joy Khan for her effort in swimming and good attendance this week.

Secondary 1: Smith Mbetolo for good work.

Secondary 2: Darrell Morris for good maths work.

Secondary 3: A special award to the whole class for excellent efforts.


Education Welfare Officer Report.


We have had a visit by our Education Welfare Officer (EWO). Unfortunately the EWO has flagged up a problem with the number of children who miss school due to unscheduled appointments.


We will now require WRITTEN confirmation of any medical (or other) appointments that you attend with your child. This can be in the form of Medical Letters, Appointment Cards or Letters from the hospital or your GP.


School should be informed prior to the appointment or prior to your child being collected during the school day.


It is vitally important for school to ensure that all its pupils are accounted for during the school day and that we track individual pupil attendance.


We are sure that all parents and carers will fully support us to make certain that every pupil is accessing as much of the school day as possible and keep absences to a minimum. Thank you.



SEAL :        THE THEME FOR THIS WEEK IS: ‘What makes me Excited?’


Think about activities and events that make your child excited. Share those thoughts and feeling with your child using signs or symbols.



Come and join us at school for the Now Music Live Performance. Marimba Players will be performing in the hall at 2.15pm – ALL WELCOME.



Choices After School Club.


Is you child aged 13 or older? Are you looking for after school provision?

CHOICES AFTER SCHOOL CLUB has spaces for secondary aged students. Please contact Lucia or Gary at school if you are interested.



Staff in the PMLD base will be taking part in training in Sherbourne Movement Training @ The Bridge School.

Dysphasia training will be running this week and next for Meal Supervisors at school by our Speech and Language Therapists.

Staff twilight training in Sensory Issues for Autism will be running on 1st December from 3.30 – 5pm


Thursday 26th November 10 -11.30am

Jody Levy will be continuing her Medical Training for Parents and Carers – In the Library.





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If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.





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If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


THANK YOU to the NW3 Hampstead Christmas Festival who raised approximately £5000 for Jack Taylor School on Sunday.

Thank you to parents, cares, pupils and staff who attended the event.

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