Saturday, 15 May 2010

Newsletter 10th May 2010


Week Beginning: 10th May 2010





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PURPLE CLASS: Reon for fantastic behaviour

YELLOW CLASS: Malachi for enjoying the hydro pool without his gaitors on

BLUE CLASS: Keith-Phil for PECs work with Gary Dadd

RED CLASS: Ismail for walking in his walker for the first time

SECONDARY 1: Aaron for excellent participation in speech therapy

SECONDARY 2: Shahidul for overcoming his fear of dogs on Friday afternoon.

SECONDARY 3: Joshua for remembering 2 items on our shopping list

POST 16: Charlie Daley for participating well in Work Experience



We still have vacancies for Parent Governors.  If you have a child who has recently started school we would be particularly interested in having you as a Governor.  Full training can be given and we are able to reimburse childcare costs when you attend meetings.  Please contact the school if you are interested.




Halal Food


We’d like to ask parents about Halal Food provision.

At the moment our school lunch is not Halal - and we provide a vegetarian alternative meal for students who do not wish to eat Halal meat.  We don’t have the facilities to provide both a Halal meal, and non-Halal alternative - it has to be one or the other - although we will always be able to provide a vegetarian option. At the moment we have no plans to change to a Halal diet - but would consider this if there was enough support from parents, and no major objections.

If you have any thoughts on this please could you let us know.



This years WHEELATHON will be taking place on Wednesday 12th May @ Copthall Sports Centre.


Every Thursday at 10am-11am there is a weekly Body Signing Group for parents in the PMLD focus group with Becky and her team and Alex from the SLT team. Come and learn some signs for you to use with your child and get a free booklet. Meet other parents and learn something new. We’d love to see you there!








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