Saturday, 15 May 2010

Stop Press !!! OFSTED Inspection Next Tuesday Wednesday


The school heard on Friday that we will be inspected by an OFSTED team led by lead Inspector Mike Kell on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th May 2010 – next week !

This is a major event in any school’s life, and though a little stressful for all concerned, we are confident that we can give of our best for the inspection team.

All parents will by now have received a questionnaire – please fill these in and return them by Tuesday at the latest so that they can inform the judgement of the inspectors.

The questionnaires are confidential and will not be seen by staff at the school – only by the OFSTED team.


Thank you


Stephen Smith


Newsletter 10th May 2010


Week Beginning: 10th May 2010





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PURPLE CLASS: Reon for fantastic behaviour

YELLOW CLASS: Malachi for enjoying the hydro pool without his gaitors on

BLUE CLASS: Keith-Phil for PECs work with Gary Dadd

RED CLASS: Ismail for walking in his walker for the first time

SECONDARY 1: Aaron for excellent participation in speech therapy

SECONDARY 2: Shahidul for overcoming his fear of dogs on Friday afternoon.

SECONDARY 3: Joshua for remembering 2 items on our shopping list

POST 16: Charlie Daley for participating well in Work Experience



We still have vacancies for Parent Governors.  If you have a child who has recently started school we would be particularly interested in having you as a Governor.  Full training can be given and we are able to reimburse childcare costs when you attend meetings.  Please contact the school if you are interested.




Halal Food


We’d like to ask parents about Halal Food provision.

At the moment our school lunch is not Halal - and we provide a vegetarian alternative meal for students who do not wish to eat Halal meat.  We don’t have the facilities to provide both a Halal meal, and non-Halal alternative - it has to be one or the other - although we will always be able to provide a vegetarian option. At the moment we have no plans to change to a Halal diet - but would consider this if there was enough support from parents, and no major objections.

If you have any thoughts on this please could you let us know.



This years WHEELATHON will be taking place on Wednesday 12th May @ Copthall Sports Centre.


Every Thursday at 10am-11am there is a weekly Body Signing Group for parents in the PMLD focus group with Becky and her team and Alex from the SLT team. Come and learn some signs for you to use with your child and get a free booklet. Meet other parents and learn something new. We’d love to see you there!








Newsletter 3rd May 2010





Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: 3rd May 2010






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PURPLE CLASS: Salaban for fantastic walking in his walker

YELLOW CLASS: Lascelle consistently using a switch for his favourite music ‘Lady Gaga’

BLUE CLASS: Rubel for excellent work on the computer, he was able to answer quiz questions in the game

RED CLASS: Catalina for brushing her teeth

SECONDARY 1: Donjeta for good, spontaneous, independent choosing

SECONDARY 2: Sabia for achieving above and beyond her targets this week

SECONDARY 3: Sean for wheeling himself to Tesco and back

POST 16: Palwasha for starting her Work Experience












Southbank Internation School


We are joining students at Southbank on Friday 7th May for master class basketball sessions with paralympian Jayant Mistry.


Reminder – The Annual Wheelathon is taking place Wednesday 12th May – Sponser forms attached.





Halal Food


We’d like to ask parents about Halal Food provision.

At the moment our school lunch is not Halal - and we provide a vegetarian alternative meal for students who do not wish to eat Halal meat.  We don’t have the facilities to provide both a Halal meal, and non-Halal alternative - it has to be one or the other - although we will always be able to provide a vegetarian option. At the moment we have no plans to change to a Halal diet - but would consider this if there was enough support from parents, and no major objections.

If you have any thoughts on this please could you let us know.






Newsletter 26th April 2010


Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: 26th April 2010






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PURPLE CLASS: Lucas, because he has come into school happy all week.

YELLOW CLASS: Umar for really good talking.

BLUE CLASS: Shirwa for excellent behaviour and sitting really nicely during circle time.

RED CLASS: Elton for working really hard.

SECONDARY 1: Hilda for helping and being a good friend to Donjeta.

SECONDARY 2: Darrell for good craftsmanship during cooking.

SECONDARY 3: Hadi & Joshua for good communication with their peers.

POST 16: Omar for working hard in every session and being very helpful.




We welcome Chris Bird to the school.  Chris has taken up the post of Secondary Department Curriculum Leader. 







Parents Support Group meeting with Educational Pschologists – WEDNESDAY 26TH MAY – 9.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

And WEDNESDAY 7TH JULY – 9.30 a.m – 11.30 a.m.




WHEELATHON (Charity Fundraiser) information on this event will follow later.  WEDNESDAY 12TH MAY, 10 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. with Southbank International School at Copthall Sports Ground –





As from Monday 19th April 2010 School lunch prices are changing from £1.90 per day to £1.95 a day.






Purple class is so excited to be back at school!  We have a new class teacher and her name is Michaela.  Our class this term is learning about the sea.  We have already made some wonderful fish and crab hand prints and we have been reading a funny story about a commotion in the ocean.


Secondary 3 – Our class team is made up of Miranda, Robert and Kate.  Our project theme is ‘Animals’.  We will be inter-linking this subject into science, by looking at food chains and different species, humanities and drama by looking at different climates where animals live.  We hope to take a trip to London Zoo where we can explore everything closely.


Yellow Class – This term the topic for yellow class will be the sea and we are hoping to go to the London Aquarium.  We also have a new little girl in our class and her name is Shyma.  Luckily we still have the same staff that we had last term in yellow class and if you need to talk to Mary about anything, just call the office and leave a message.  Mary, Mirella, Irina & Anna.


Post 16 – We are very pleased to be back at school.  This term we will continue working on our usual timetable as well as starting a new activity on Wednesday afternoons, this will be Horticulture provided by Action for Kids.  As part of our Healthy Eating Scheme, we have already started to prepare a vegetable garden outside of our class, then we will cook the vegetables in our food technology session.  Natalie, Cheryl, Tony, & Lauren.


Secondary 2 – This term we are looking at different animals in different environments.  We are also listening and acting to songs about animals.

Will, Linda, & Shaku.


In the PMLD focus group this term we will hopefully be having lots of visitors!  All parents of students who access the base have been invited to come in on Thursday mornings from 10.00 to learn body-signing as well as some other communication activities.  The groups are being run with the speech and language therapy team and the base group staff, we really hope to see lots of you here.

Becky, Tricia & Sheila.


Secondary 1 – A big hello to all the parents and carers of pupils at Jack Taylor School.  My name is Chris Bird and I am joining you from a special school in East London.  I shall be working with Jane, Michela and Errol in Secondary 1 and I am replacing Emma Keegan as the Curriculum Leader for the Secondary Department.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know you all. 


Red Class – Welcome back to the summer term.  Everyone in Red class is excited to be learning about the beach this term.  We will be exploring the beach environment through touch, smell and feel.  Out visits to the British Museum will soon come to an end, we will be finishing this unit of work with a celebration amongst friends.  We wish everyone an enjoyable summer term.


Blue Class - This term Blue class will be working on a new topic ‘Seaside, Earth and Water’.  We are planning to be very active and do lots of physical activities such as yoga, obstacle courses, games, swimming etc.  But the biggest part of our work will be focused on developing communication both expressive and comprehensive.