Week Beginning: Monday 4th January
Blog http://jacktaylorschool.blogspot.com/
Happy New Year 2010 to all families and friends of
We hope that the coming year will be a happy, healthy and peaceful one for everybody.
Staff Changes for 2010.
Last term we said goodbye to
We are thrilled to welcome Tralee Butler who will be taking over form Emma in Secondary 1.
We welcome Michela Woods who will be taking over in Secondary 2 Class and are pleased that Bridget Abbott will continue to run Red Class.
Miranda Cooper will be covering the secondary curriculum leader post this term.
Anna Hosking joined us last term as a permanent teaching assistant working between classes and Kate Stopa joins us temporarily in secondary 3.
We will be focusing and reinforcing emotions around friendships.
Unfortunately we have no funding to run the after school club this term. However we hope that there will be a holiday club in February and we have received funding for the after school club to run during the summer term of 2010.
Class News for Spring 2010
Primary Department
Welcome back to everyone. We hope the holiday was very restful and enjoyable. This term the primary department will be exploring the topics: Looking After ourselves and Healthy Living. We will be doing lots of exciting activities and we hope you will join us in some of these. We look forward to the hard work that the staff and students put in to exploring the topics each term. I know that we will all celebrate a huge success at the end of term. Please feel free to contact us and come in to share in our activities.
Secondary Department.
We would like to say goodbye to Emma, who has joined Queen Elizabeth 2 and Joanna, who has gone to
Miranda Cooper - Acting head of Secondary
Yellow Class.
Wishing everyone a very happy 2110 from us all.
This term our topic is 'Looking after Ourselves' and we are looking forward to doing lots of exciting work around this. Yellow class will be having a tea/coffee (and cakes!) 'get together' this term. Could you please let us know if a Monday morning or Wednesday afternoon is more convenient for you. We will send you out a confirmation slip nearer the time. Looking forward to seeing you soon at class coffee mornings.
Mary, Mirella and Irina.
Blue Class
Welcome back. Hope you had a great Christmas Break. This term our topic is Healthy Living. We will be learning about different types of exercise and keeping fit in particular developing exercise routines and learning how to dress for exercise. We also will be exploring healthy foods, places to buy food, identifying food groups, and preparing healthy food. Part of our work will be focused on looking after ourselves – learning simple routines for personal care and looking after personal belonging.
Irena, Bridget, Paul, Vicki and Julia
Red Class
Welcome back to the New Year. This term Red Class is looking forward to participating in a project with the
Bridget, Gail and Shaku
Secondary 1
Welcome back and a Happy New Year! I am Tralee
Secondary 2
Students and staff welcome everyone back to school! My name is Michela and I am enjoying getting to know the class and school. We are all looking forward to a busy, fun packed term ahead.
Michela, Linda and
Secondary 3
This term our team is made up of Miranda, Robert and Kat. Our project theme is ‘Changes’. We are going to explore in Humanities where our family is from, who’s in our family, what we like and don’t and our religion. In science we’ll be look at how thinking change by adding heat and cold. We’ll interlink this into cooking.
Miranda, Robert and Kate
Post 16
We hope that you had a very enjoyable holiday and we are pleased to welcome you all back to school. This term in Post 16 we will continue working on AQA Accreditation Units. We will be visiting different historical places in
We will be taking pictures and learning about these places in more detail.
Nataliya, Cheryl and Tony
Taxi Driver’s Tea Party
We will be contacting parents and carers shortly regarding the taxi driver’s tea party on Sunday 31st January.
Parent /
We hope, this term, to continue successful parent/carer partnerships with school. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended the end of year Christmas show. The pupils were thrilled to perform to their families and friends and it was encouraging to see an increased support from you all.
We hope that we can continue to build this support as it is important that we work together to ensure the best outcomes for your child. It is particularly important that parents and carers are involved in their child’s annual reviews and the stages of transition, particularly as we prepare for the next step in your child’s education and beyond.
As always, we look forward to working in partnership with you in the future.
Parent / Carers Governors.
Now that we have started a new year there may be some of you who are interested in becoming a parent/carer Governor. It is so important that the Governing body has representation from the parents and carers and we would encourage you to consider this. If any parent or care is interested please contact the school. There is money available to assist with childcare.
As the cold weather sets in please can we remind you to send your child to school in warm clothing.
Please make sure your child has a coat that fits, and is warm. Hats, gloves and scarves should be sent in too and labelled with your child’s name.
Thank you.
School Uniform Clothing.
It has been lovely to see so many pupils and staff coming into school in the new
If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.
If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.
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