Monday, 30 November 2009

Newsletter 30th November 2009


Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 30th November



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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class. 


Purple Class: Wahib Chentouf for walking independently

Yellow Class: Malachi Gayle for switch use during music

Blue Class: ikhram Shekh  for good phonics work.

Red Class:  Christian Ssozi for great participation in his movement class

Secondary 1: Thomas Mulugate for being independent around the school

Secondary 2: Shahidul Haque for good work in music

Secondary 3: The whole class received the award fro brilliant effort in art

Post 16: Omar Mattar for being very helpful




The school Christmas performance will take place this year on

Wednesday 16th December.


Unfortunately only a small number of parent and carers attended last year’s performance so this year we want to increase the number of parents, carers, families and friends that attend.

This is a great way to celebrate together the end of the first term and the end of another year. The children have worked hard and are proud of their achievements and want to be able to share this with their families.

Please come and celebrate with us.


As we are eager to find out what would suit parents and carers the best,  we have attached a questionnaire to the newsletter to find out your preferences.

Please can you fill in the form and return to school tomorrow or soon after.



SEAL :        THE THEME FOR THIS WEEK IS: ‘What makes me Excited?’


Think about activities and events that make your child excited. Share those thoughts and feeling with your child using signs or symbols.



Please remember to send in a written appointment card or letter for any of your child’s medical appointments. Thank you.



The London Taxi Drivers’ Children’s Tea Party.


The annual TAXI DRIVERS Children’s Tea Party at the Grosvenor House is approaching once again. We have been invited to take a group of children and their parents and carers on Sunday 31st January 2010.

Please let Lucia know if you are interested to avoid disappointment.

Letters will be sent home in the next week.


Parent Group Wednesday 2nd December

The next Parent and Carer Group meeting will be in school on Wednesday 2nd December.

The theme is “Accessing out of school activities’. We will have two speakers –Shelley Shieff – Disability Outreach Worker for the Family information Service and Rachel Bond –Short Breaks Coordinator for the Disabled Children’s Team.

Between them they will have information about relevant activities for 0-19 year olds as well as other relevant information about support networks for parents.  ALL WELCOME




             clip_image007Mum          clip_image009Dad


If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.





            clip_image011Mum               clip_image013Dad



If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher



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