Thursday, 17 September 2009

Newsletter 14th September 2009



Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 14th September



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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class. 


Purple Class: Well done to all of purple class for settling into to their first week of school.

Yellow Class: Lascelle Farell for settling back to school so well.

Blue Class: Rubel Shah for using his drinking cup independently.

Red Class:  Joy Khan for playing the drum independently during music.


Senior 1: Hilda Mbetola for acting calm and sensibly as a response to the absence of a key member of staff..

Senior 2: Shahidul Haque for helping with the class shopping and snack time. 

Senior 3: Sean Martin for using his walking frame independently.

Post 16: Palwasha Akbari, Omah Matter, Siham Nuur and Ebun Bickersteth for settling in to their new Post 16 class.



Home-School Agreements.


All parents and Carers will have received a copy of the home / school agreement last term. This is an important document as it secures the partnership between home and school and the work we do together to ensure the best for your child.

Please make sure you have signed the agreement and returned it to school.

New parents and carers will receive copies shortly. Thank you.



Person Centred Planning Reviews


Is your child in the POST 16 class?

A reminder - Your child is due for their PCP / Annual Review. Please refer to the home/school book to check the date of your child’s review. It is extremely important that as the parent / carer you attend the review.  

At the post 16 review the planning will focus on provision and opportunities for your child beyond the age of 19 when they leave school.



The new lunchtime Art Club desperately needs your OLD SHIRTS and APRONS. Please send in whatever old tops you have in whatever sizes as we have students from ages 5 – 19 in the club !!!  Many thanks.

Lucia, Mary and Paul


PHSCE - Parent and Carer contributions                                £££££££

Most of you will be aware that much of our curriculum at school is focused on building up your child’s independence and social skills. We endeavour to give every child opportunities to develop and practice these skills daily, appropriate to their needs.

Where possible, every child is encouraged to have a snack and drink each day during their morning break time, such as toast and juice.

This is regarded as teaching time so may involve going shopping for items, preparing them in class, laying the table and learning about how to enjoy a social experience with their peers.


We are asking that all parents and carers send in contributions each half term towards the purchasing of items. Your child’s class teacher will let you know more details. This will ensure that classes have enough money for your child to be able to have a healthy selection of snacks each day.



We are looking for parents or carers who are interested in becoming a school governor. It is important for our school that there are representatives from the children’s parents / carers on the Governing Body.  We need you!

There is help and finances available for childcare if you may require so.

Please contact the school if you are interested or just want to know more about it. Thanks



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If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.





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If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.



A New Youth Club in Camden

Calling Young People aged 13 – 18


Aimed at disabled young people not involved in out of school activities or other youth activities.


The Tuesday Club will be held at Elfrida Rathbone Camden 7 Dowdney Close London NW5 2BP


Limited Places available


Activities will include a varied programme of fun and informal learning decided by young people including art, music, and sport trips


PLEASE BRING ANY SUITABLE personal care needs or nay snacks no nuts.


When?  Every Tuesday from dates will be given to parents/ carers.


Accessible Transport clip_image019is available for new members who are Camden residents and the young people will collected from home from approx.


Further places are also available at our Wednesday and Thursday After School Club at Choices Camden Society 37, Greenwood Place NW5 1LB


How do you get more information?


Contact Mark Bromley, Disability Youth Work Coordinator

T: 0207 974 7189



Aiming High for Disabled Children 



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