Monday, 23 March 2009


This is the first of our Newsletters to be placed on the blog - Hopefully we'll work out how to include the pictures in forthcoming weeks

Week Beginning: Monday 16th March


Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class.

Yellow Class:. Shirwa Osman - staying in the swimming pool.
Blue Class: Thambir Bahar for his PECS work .
Red Class: Class effort for making delicious cakes – Red Nose Day.
Purple Class: Ezaz Chowdury for speaking and signing 100 words
Senior 1:. Hilda Mbetolo for counting down to events
Senior 2: James Cho for finding his picture during circle
Senior 3: Siham Nurr for her good eating
Post 16: Reem Derwish for her college work

Thanks to all those who contributed. We are STILL COLLECTING so please send in you donations.

for Parent, Carers and Friends.

The next AUTISM training is scheduled for Tuesday 24th March at 10am in the school Library.
This is an informal training for any of you who want to know more about autism. It is open to friends or others you know that may be interested in coming along.

The session will focus on issues surrounding BEHAVIOUR ISSUES and explore behaviours related to autism. It will give you a guide to strategies to support and understand behaviours presented by people with autism. There will be lots of useful tips for helping to support you at home.
You will have lots of opportunities to ask questions and talk to others.
Refreshments provided.
Parent and Carer Groups

The next meeting is WEDNESDAY 18th MARCH 10am – 12 (in the Library).
We will have after school club representatives visiting to talk to you about places and what’s on offer for your child.


A TOUCH CUE is a touch, made in a consistent manner, directly onto the child’s body to communicate a message alongside speech.
We are trialling a set of TOUCH CUES at school. These are suitable for children with physical and sensory impairments.

Step into Dance Performance.
Some of our senior students have been working hard this term on the Step into Dance project.
The performance will be next week at school
Wednesday 25th March at 11am
Thank you to Blue Class for leading the signing assembly last week.
Communication Partners.
Our speech and language therapist is working to support our communication with pupils through weekly tips that we want to share with you.

In Blue Class this week we are going to be reading a new picture book – Rainbow Fish. We will be focusing on reading sight vocabulary and writing exercises. We will also working on everyday hygiene and independent skills. In Maths we are planning to explore position and direction. In art, cooking and humanities we are going to celebrate St Patrice’s Day. Thank you to all the parents who contributed to Red Nose Day.

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