Thursday, 22 October 2009

Pink Day

Just a quick note to mention that we raised £110 during our Pnk Day - many thanks to all who joined in with the fun and contributed.

Pictures and more news in next weeks newsletter

Monday, 19 October 2009

Newsletter – 19th October 2009


Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 19th October



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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class. 


Purple Class: Lucas Sabatino for settling in to purple class so well in his 1st week.

Yellow Class: Faiza Islam using her switch so well in speech and language group

Blue Class: Thambir Bahar for saying and signing more and Godwin Lukembesa for excellent independent work

Red Class:  Ikhlas Mohammed for excellent standing and walking using her frame

Secondary 1: Thomas Mulugate for good listening skills

Secondary 2: Darrel Morris for good work in maths

Secondary 3: Hassan Araghi  for walking independently to Kilburn

Post 16: Paul Ferdinand for participating in all sessions

PMLD Base: Khalid Yusuf for excellent response to physiotherapy


Thursday 22nd October – INSET Training (School Closed)

Friday 23rd October – INSET Training (School Closed)

Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October - Half Term

Monday 2nd November – Back to School





Francis Holland School with whom Jack Taylor has close links have approached us with an idea of designing and making a mural for our school. The design will be based upon our sensory week and be developed in the style of the artist Mondrian. Our job at school is to collect some of the raw materials including china, pebbles, Buttons, Beads and tiles in ALL shades of RED, ORANGE, YELLOW< GREEN and BLUE. If you have any of these items at home that you could donate please send them to school. Many Thanks.

WEAR IT PINK DAY @ school- Wednesday 21st October


This October people all over the country will be wearing it pink to support The Breast Cancer Campaign.

Jack Taylor School staff, pupils and parents/carers support this charity every year.  We will be holding our pink day at school on Wednesday (21st). All staff and pupils wear PINK clothing to school and donate money to our collection. Every class will be having a PINK activity and these will all be celebrated in the end of day ASSEMBLY

Please give generously


Parent Group – Wednesday 21st October – 9.30am–11.30am


We have invited the school’s Educational Psychologists Liza Manoochehri and Chris O’Nions to come to the parent and carer group. Additionally, Victor Baldock the Parent Partnership Coordinator and Vikki Lee (senior EP) with a role in Social Communication assessment Service (SCAS) will also be attending the group to speak and answer any questions. Vikki will be particularly helpful to talk to about issues with autism. Refreshments will be available.


SEAL :        THE THEME FOR THIS WEEK IS: ‘What makes me sad?’


Suggestion: When at home, try responding positively to different emotions that your child may demonstrate. Respond to these emotions by name or through pictures and help them to recognise their feelings.



Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th October 3.30 -4.30pm Staff Training in CASPA; the school data collection IT package. Staff will be learning how to use this interactive package which records ad tracks pupils progress and informs target setting at class, area and whole school level. This is a valuable way of measuring pupil progress and attainment within school and feeds into the data collection at both Local Authority and National Levels.



          clip_image007SAD          clip_image009ANGRY

If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


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If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


Monday, 12 October 2009

Newsletter – monday 12th October


Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 12th October


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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class.

Purple Class: Wahib Chentouf for visually attending to objects

Yellow Class: Shirwa Osman fir enjoying his swimming lesson

Blue Class: Donjeta Bajrami for responding to ‘how many?’ during a maths session

Red Class: Elton Ramadani for swimming independently with a float

Secondary 1: Smith Mbetolo for being very mature

Secondary 2: Sabia Begum for good work with switches

Secondary 3: Nazia Begum for activating a switch using her left hand

Post 16: Ebun Bickersteth for being happy and motivated

PMLD Base: Sameah Begum for her focus during her 1:1 assessment

INSET Training on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October – SCHOOL CLOSED

Staff will be attending a 2 day training session on the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). This is a recognised training for the use of symbols to support functional communication, most commonly used with children who have a diagnosis of Autism although it can be successful with any child who has communication difficulties. This is high profile training and will be run by the official PECS trainers in school. This training is part of our continual professional development in school to ensure your children receives the most up to date and current best practice.

SEAL : THE THEME FOR THIS WEEK IS: ‘What makes me sad?’


Open Afternoons this week at Jack Taylor

We are looking forward to seeing parents, carers and friends this week at the open afternoon sessions. If you have not yet signed up please arrange a time with your child’s teacher.

Parent group Wednesday 21st October 9.30 – 11.30am at Jack Taylor School

Parents and carers with children in the ASD base will find this group particularly interesting. The school’s Educational Psychologists will be there to answer any of you questions.

Wear It Pink Fundraising Day

Wednesday 21st October. Wear pink to school and donate to this worthy cause.

Extended Schools Surveys

Thank you to those who have already returned the surveys to school. If you have not yet returned your survey please do so as it is useful information that will help us to plan for future extended schools activities

Half Term

School will be closed the week of Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October. Children will be back to school on Monday 2nd November.

Change of Address or Information

Any parent or carer who has a change of address or contact information please inform the office of your new details. It is extremely important that we have current information on our pupils at all times. Thank you.

Interviews this week at school will be held for current teaching posts and teaching assistant posts.

Using the web

Any parents or carers that would like to receive the school newsletter via email just let Lucia know or pass on your email address to the school office. You can check out the newsletter on the school BLOG @

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOTICE: Could all children attending the After School Club this Wednesday 14th bring an OLD SHIRT to protect their clothing as there will be lots of MESSY PAINTING


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If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


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If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Newsletter Monday 5th October 09


Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 5th October


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Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class.

Purple Class: Salman Egal for exploring sensory objects independently

Yellow Class: Malachi Gayle for swimming in the pool without gaiters

Blue Class: Keith Phil Omoqui for recognising loud and quiet in science

Red Class: Ezaz Chowdry for good talking and great signing

Secondary 1: Hilda Mbetola for a fantastic response to her PCP review

Secondary 2: James Cho for great interaction with his peers and adults

Secondary 3: Hassan Araghi for playing the triangle independently in music

Post 16: Palwasha Akbari for remembering her daily tasks and collecting the register and Charlie Daley for keeping his college badge on all day.

PMLD Base: Adnan Adam for Good work in motor group and holding up his head

Parent Group 21st October @ JTS

We have invited the school’s Educational Psychologists Liza Manoochehri and Chris O’Nions to come to the parent group on 21st October. Additionally, Victor Baldock the Parent Partnership Coordinator and Vikki Lee (senior EP) with a role in Social Communication assessment Service (SCAS) will also be attending the group to speak and answer any questions. Vikki will be particularly helpful to talk to about issues with autism. Refreshments will be available and we will confirm the time in next week’s newsletter.


Why not share with your child what has happened each day to make them happy?


Open Afternoons at School for Parents, Carers, and Families will be next week at school. A letter will be sent to parents and carers separately.

Parent and Carer Surveys and Questionnaires.

We will be sending a questionnaire home to parents and carers to enable us to gather views about running after school clubs in the future at Jack Taylor. Please take the time to look at it and let us know your thoughts. Thanks.


Every year our school takes part in the Wear it Pink campaign that raises money for Breast Cancer research. We are proud to support this worthy cause and are always touched by how many parents and carers generously contribute. As always we will be asking everyone to wear pink to school that day and of course there will be lots of pink fun activities taking place.


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If you would like to know more about Makaton signs or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


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If you would like to know more about Symbols or would like additional copies please contact your child’s class teacher.


Class teachers and multidisciplinary teams will be reviewing your child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) over the next few weeks. Class teachers will send out an invitation to you to invite you in to discuss your child’s progress – this can be an informal chat. It is really important that we are able to gather the views of parents and carers so we are able to make accurate judgements about your child’s progress. New targets will be set this half term.

Classroom Observations at School 5th – 9th October.

Every term the Senior Management Team hold classroom observations where teaching and learning is monitored. This is to ensure that the standards in school remain of the highest quality and that every pupil receives the best possible provision and care.

Classroom and teacher observations also feed into our staff development and training and allows us to ensure that practice remains current and up to date.

This forms part of the school’s self evaluation process and cycle of school improvement.