Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Newsletter 27th April 2009

Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 27th April



School Closed.


Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class.

Yellow Class: Yared Hailu for tolerating wearing his splints

Blue Class: Keith Phil Omoqui for Independent working

Red Class: Christian Ssozi for holding objects of reference in the circle

Purple Class: Ezaz Chowdry for good behaviour

Senior 1:. Hilda Mbetola for road crossing during travel training

Senior 2: Sabia Begum for good switch work during the day

Senior 3: Sean Martin for jumping on the trampoline

Post 16: Joanna Cross for good attendance last week.


Thank you to all those that attended the Autism Training on Health related issues.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19th May at 10am and will be on Sensory Issues.

This week there will be an additional twilight training session for staff in school to build on their knowledge and understanding of autism practices. This is so we are able to keep up to date with current and new practice in the field of autism and ensure that our pupils are receiving the highest quality delivery possible.

Jack Petchey Award

Well done to Aaron Ford in secondary 1 class for receiving the award.

Jack Taylor School Sensory Garden Opening Invitations.

We hope that all parents, carers and friends of Jack Taylor have received invites to the official opening of our garden on Wednesday 13th May. After 4 years of planning we are thrilled to have a new outdoor space. Please come and give your support by joining us in the event and meet some of the people who were involved in the project.

Secondary 1 Class

The KS3 students have been working hard to maintain the flower beds in our fantastic new sensory garden. It's a bit tricky always knowing the difference between a weed and a plant but both are getting well watered! Meanwhile the KS4 students have been busily putting their best work together to put forward for Accreditation for Life and Living by the OCR exam board... The Secondary One students are telling us (through their reviews and from what we notice about their great behaviour out and about) that travel training is their favourite subject, so we'll be doing lots more of this during the summer term. The students have come forward leaps and bounds in their ability to sit sensibly and not interact with strangers, learn about road safety and look after their Freedom Passes. The Disabled Persons’ Freedom Pass (DPFP) scheme allows Camden residents, with a permanent disability affecting their mobility, free travel within the Greater London area, on the following services: London Transport buses, including low floor mobility buses and Stationlink, London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, national railways services and the Croydon Tramlink. An application form can be obtained on request from the Accessible Transport Service on 020-7974 5919. Alternatively you can download on application form at at http://tinyurl.com/dghxm7

Emma, Jane, Michela and Errol

Communication Partners.

Our speech and language therapist is working to support our communication with pupils through weekly tips that we want to share with you.


A TOUCH CUE is a touch, made in a

consistent manner, directly onto the child’s

body to communicate a message alongside


We are trialling a set of TOUCH CUES

at school. These are suitable for children

with physical and sensory impairments. DRINK.
Slow firm ‘flutter’ movement of fingers against cheek

Signs of the week.



Friday, 3 April 2009

Newsletter 30th March - Happy Easter

Jack Taylor School


Week Beginning: Monday 30th March

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter Holiday from us all.




Sensory Garden Mural.

We are pleased to see the arrival and installation of the tactile mural in the sensory garden. Thank you to Lifeline4kids charity who kindly donated it.


The school and in particular, the staff in the autism resource base are working hard to gain accredited status from the National Autistic Society for their excellence in autism practice.

There has been lots of hard work over the last year to fulfil the criteria that will achieve the award of accredited status.

As a result our provision for autism and the specialist teaching that the children receive has developed and continues to improve towards excellence.

On Tuesday we have our first formal visit by our area advisor who is coming in to observe lessons and give the teams some feedback.

Our main review date by the NAS is set for July 6th and will be a full week of inspection.

A big thank you to Irena and Emma and the staff in the resource base for their continual hard work towards this.




Well done to pupils who received STAR of the week for their efforts in class.

Yellow Class: Lascelle Farell for independent choosing

Blue Class: Rubel Shah for his excellent cooking skills

Red Class: Ikhkas Mohammed for imitating adults’ actions

Purple Class: Adnan Adam for keeping his head up and his progress in physio

Senior 1:. Hilda Mbetolo for independent work

Senior 2: Khali Youssef for being alert and good physio

Senior 3: Joshua Brown for excellent behaviour

Post 16: Whole class for their Step into Dance performance.

Step into Dance.

Thank you to all the senior students and staff who took part in the Step into Dance performance last week.

Well Done

It was a fabulous show.

Wednesday 1st April @ 2pm. We are looking forward to a whole school FLAMENCO performance which should be a colourful music and dance spectacular!

Purple Class News

Purple class have been looking at the customs relating to Easter and Spring – especially new life, chickens, eggs and rabbits. Students have been making special Easter eggs and baskets, using all their painting and craft skills.

We’ve also been practising signing the words to My School. The students have been learning their colours and recognising the colours of everyday objects. Counting games and counting songs are also very popular.

Purple Class wishes everyone a happy and safe Easter Holidays and look forward to meeting up again in the new term.

Ron, Sharon and Linda


Medicals are happening in school this Friday, 3rd April and on the first day back on Monday 20th April.

Please remember to arrive on time as the schedules are tight!

Thank you.

Thank you to senior 3 Class for their help with the signing assembly.

Communication Partners.

Our speech and language therapist is working to support our communication with pupils through weekly tips that we want to share with you.


A TOUCH CUE is a touch, made in a

consistent manner, directly onto the child’s

body to communicate a message alongside


We are trialling a set of TOUCH CUES

at school. These are suitable for children

with physical and sensory impairments.

EAT (Oral)

Tap hand on cheek x 2

Signs of the week.